The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.
Past performance does not guarantee future results. Any reference to the stock market is general in nature, and no market or index guarantees or represents the claims or data found in visual, audio, digital, or written presentations. Reference to any numeric rate of return is general in nature, based upon internally sampled historical data, and in no way guarantees future performance under any circumstance.
All audio, visual, digital, and written content is not to be construed as any offer for any product or services, but only a solicitation to consider our firm through future communication. All research conducted by Panic Proof Retirement™ is public source material and verified through multiple sources to include but not limited to government source data, newspaper, search engine finance sources, financial data websites, etc.
© Panic Proof Retirement™. All Rights Reserved. Panic Proof Retirement™ are licensed insurance agents in multiple but not every jurisdiction in the United States. This is not an offer or solicitation for brokerage services or investment advisory services in any jurisdiction. All case studies may reflect actual clients whose names are protected for compliance with privacy statutes and regulations. Any reference to stock performance is based on historical data that is publicly sourced. Past performance does not guarantee future performance, and all investments are subject to market risk. No statement is made to suggest stock market performance or future performance, and no case study is used to imply future performance or testimonial. All claims are subject to the claims-paying ability of the account's custodian. Any case study that implies testimony is only about customer service satisfaction and not investment performance. No investment advice is rendered, and all information is educational in nature. A fixed index annuity is not a securities product but a product of the insurance industry and is not guaranteed by any bank or insured by the FDIC. The Agent is paid a commission from the insurance carrier.
All reference to “no fees” in any product does not preclude the possibility of a surrender or withdrawal charge on a policy. There are no annual maintenance or recurring fees, but accounts may be charged for surrendering the policy early or for early withdrawal. All accounts are subject to the claims paying ability of the custodian. Some products offer additional benefits and features which may have an additional charge, which would be a fee.
Products with premium bonuses may offer longer time commitments and/or lower credited interest rates, as well as lower Index Cap Rates than products that don’t offer a premium bonus. Over time and under certain scenarios the amount of the premium bonus may be offset by the lower interest rates and lower Index Cap Rates. Be advised that the sale or liquidation of any stock, bond, IRA, CD, mutual fund, annuity, or any other asset to fund the purchase of an annuity or any other life insurance product may have tax consequences, early withdrawal penalties, and other fees and penalties associated with that sale or liquidation. Neither Panic Proof RetirementTM. nor its agents acting on its behalf, should be viewed as providing legal or tax advice. You should consult with and rely upon a qualified tax or legal advisor for questions related thereto.
“Standard & Poor’s®”, “S&P®”, “S&P 500®”, “Standard & Poor’s 500”, and “500” are trademarks of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and have been licensed for use by individual insurance companies. Products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor’s, and Standard & Poor’s makes no representation regarding the advisability of purchasing any product. S&P 500® Index does not include Dividends.
All research, case studies, graphs, charts, projections, and the like strictly refer to insurance products and the insurance industry. All documents, materials, representations, references, products, and advice given and/or received are solely from Panic Proof Retirement™, an insurance agency in the business of selling insurance products and soliciting insurance business. All products and materials presented and/or advised are through, and by, insurance agents acting on Panic Proof Retirement™ is not an investment advisory firm and is not registered with, or supervised by, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or any state securities regulatory office.
Client experiences shared in case studies may not be representative of the experience of other customers, and is not a representation of a future event.